Volumes 1-37, 1982-2018

The Grassroots Fundraising Journal has two new structures to continue to ensure that people have access to the philosophy, experiences, and practical information that has made the Journal one of the most beloved publications in the nonprofit sector. The first is an arrangement with the Nonprofit Quarterly to house 200 of our best articles on their site. These articles are copyrighted into the Creative Commons, which means they can be downloaded and used for free and without permission, as long as the author is given credit. 

And the second home is this website, which is a full collection of all the issues of the Journal from 1981 to 2018.  This is also all in the Creative Commons, available for download with attribution. 

You are welcome to download entire issues free of charge, (you cannot download single articles, however using a PDF reader you are welcome to extract what you need, make copies for meetings, assign this reading to a class or adapt to a PPT or other presentation platform.) We only ask that you note and thank the original author and source. 

This archive contains full copies of every issue of the Grassroots Fundraising Journal from Vol 1 #1 (Jan 1982) to Vol 37 #4 (August 2018).  There are three issues/volumes we are missing:  Vol 1, #3 (May, 1982) and Vol 21 #4 (May/June 2002), and Vol 22 #1-6 (2003).  If any readers have copies of these issues, please contact info@kleinandroth.com

How to Use this Archive

Since there are over 780 articles in the archive, You may sort and filter all the content on this site by name of the author, date of publication, article, and broad topic area.

Here is an example.
I just joined a board, and one of my new roles is to revive the fundraising committee. I am looking for tips on board member fundraising, as well as understanding what boards actually do.
Go to Filter by Topic and you will find over 30 issues that include an article on boards! Do you want to know more about board functioning, or board member fundraising? All of the journal issues with an article on boards will come up, so before you start to download each issue, choose “preview” button, and you’ll find a description of that article on boards in the issue’s table of contents.

Another example.
I’ve never had a conversation with someone about giving a donation. How do I actually “make the ask”?

Go to Filter by Topic. Choose “Major Gifts” and you’ll find over 30 articles! But It’s actually best to add a filter by year for the earlier issues, like 1997! You’ll find a gem of an article by Kim Klein tilted, “Asking for Money… The Close”. It’s the most straightforward and useful description of asking for a major gift that stands the test of time. Remember to click “Preview” before you download to read the article’s description.

About Creative Commons


All of these articles are copyrighted in the Creative Commons. There are a variety of copyright options in the Creative Commons—we have chosen the one that provides the greatest access while insuring proper attribution to the original author.